Tips & Tricks To Save Android Smartphone Battery Life

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Tips & Tricks To Save Android Smartphone Battery Life

1. Batter Saving Apps

Battery-monitoring apps help you identify what is depleting your battery and compromising its overall condition. They let you save juice without having to dig into individual features or do a lot of manual tweaking. Some apps come with features that help you configure device settings to maximize your battery life. Power Battery for Android lets you view battery consumption data, including which apps blow through the most power over time, while a variety of power-saving settings and presets let you tweak your settings to get the most time from your available juice. The free Extra Battery for iOS offers useful insights and reminders for keeping your battery tip-top.

Some Battery Saving Apps

  • Du battery saver
  • Kaspersky battery life
  • Avast battery saver

2. Turn off Background Apps- Hidden tips to Extent Battery Performance

Many applications continue to run in the background long after you think you’ve closed them. For example, GPS-based services such as a map app like Waze or a game such as Pokémon GO! that track your location place a heavy strain on battery life and can continue running – even after you think you’ve stopped using them.
On an iPhone, turning off apps can be as simple as accessing the app manager and swiping the apps off your screen. Android phones have more granular settings than iOS does for power management, said Jack Gold, principal analyst with J. Gold Associates, and most Android experts agree it’s generally not advisable to manually stop apps on your own.
Instead, you can limit certain apps’ ability to consume power in the background, as we’ll cover in step 3 – and if you’re using Android 9 or higher, you can lean on the operating system’s Adaptive Battery feature, located in the Battery section of the system settings, to automatically limit the amount of power made available to apps you don’t use often.

3. Find and disable apps that use the most power using background activity

Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp Messenger, Netflix, and Amazon Shopping also top the list of apps that can suck a battery dry. Also look for any news or weather alert app as a possible power-draining culprit.
Some apps are constantly updating you with information that you may not need.
“The apps that are engaging the various radios and doing autonomous communication in the background are the ones that will be draining the battery the most,” said Jordan Mayerson, CEO of Hoplite Power.
Open the Battery section of your phone’s system settings, then either scroll down that screen to find the app-by-app breakdown or press the three-dot menu icon in the upper-right corner and select “Battery usage” (with more recent versions of Android). Tap any app with a high usage percentage alongside it and see how often it’s burning through battery power in the background.
For any app that’s using a high amount of battery power in the background, look through the app’s settings and see if you can disable some of its background features.

4. Don’t let your battery die

Try to keep batteries charged at an average 50% or above most of the time — at the very least somewhere between 40% and 80% — to preserve an optimal life span. Even though your charger can control electronic input to prevent damage, you should unplug the phone when power hits 100% and, if possible, avoid overnight charging.
Periodic charges throughout the day are more effective in preserving the overall life of your battery than letting it drain down to zero and charge back up to 100%. Not all batteries are the same, and different batteries respond to various charging schedules, but one thing is certain: All batteries will degrade eventually. It’s also best not to let your battery fully discharge too often, so try to charge it before it drops too low

5. Update your apps

As soon as you see an app has released an update, jump on it because that will help maintain your battery. Developers upgrade their apps periodically, and part of the reason is to optimize memory and device battery life. Such updates are often tagged as bug fixes in the update notes on the app or in Google Play Store. They may not be splashy or rock new features, but they will help keep your smartphone battery in good working order.
Keep your phone tidy and up to date with only the apps you need and use. Your phone is not the place to get sentimental about old favorites. If you don’t use ’em, lose ’em because every app that takes up needless bandwidth on your phone may be running battery-draining routines in the background. You can set your smartphone to update your apps automatically, or you can handle updates manually. Manually is better for preserving battery life.

6. Low Your Smartphone Brightness

Large, brightly lit AMOLED and LCD screens not only drain your battery fast, but hit you right between the eyes. Always decrease screen brightness to the lowest level you’re comfortable with. First, compare the screen brightness automatically set by your phone with the optimal brightness for your eyes. Often, the auto setting is brighter than you need, so feel free to override or disable it. Go to Settings > Display > Brightness on Android or Settings >Display & Brightness on an iPhone and make adjustments using the slider. You can also lower the screen timeout period by tapping Auto-Lock on the iPhone and Settings > Display > Screen timeout on Android. Set it as low as you can without it becoming too frustrating.

7. Disable location services

Most people don’t want or need their smartphone apps following them around, convenient though it may be if you’re using travel apps or geotagging your photos. Keeping location services on full time for all your apps is not only intrusive and unnecessary, but it also affects battery life. Most apps don’t need to track your location in the background, so first choose how each of your installed apps uses location services and disable the option whenever you can. On an iPhone, go to Settings > Privacy > Location services and decide which apps can use location always, only while in use, or never. You can also toggle Android’s location widget from the Quick Settings tile.

8. Use Airplane mode- Tips & Tricks To Save Android Smartphone Battery Life

Airplane mode will save some energy, particularly if you are on an airplane or somewhere where there is no coverage, in which case the phone will continuously search for connections and waste power.
If you’re driving and you don’t have a Bluetooth connection via your car’s infotainment system, that may also be a good time to switch to Airplane mode before you begin a trip. And, if you don’t need Bluetooth, turn that off, too.

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